The Visual Supercharge Course
First, take a quick and easy virtual tour!
To begin seeing new digital possibilities immediately, click and watch the three introductory video episodes below. These clips make up the 26-min. introduction of the course. Watch them anytime — they’re packed with content.
Access the entire 4.5-hour course at no charge by providing your name, email address and answers to two easy optional questions. Your answers will help us improve the course. This is a limited-time offer while we’re still in beta.
Given you’re already 1) digitally, 2) visually, and 3) linguistically literate. . . how much more can you accomplish when you start blending all three of these literacies together?
ANSWER: Apply DVL to your own specific challenges & goals — and see! We created this course to spark your imagination with a demonstration of powerful easy-to-learn tools, skills, and practices.
How we can help you adopt DVL quickly
The instructors — Learn more
Bartosz Gonczarek is a whiteboard platform co-founder and an expert in digital tools. David Winkelman is an experienced change manager & meeting facilitator for a wide variety of organizations. In the course both share their passion for visually supported… learning, clarifying, creating, and connecting – which became a shared context: a piece of a bigger reality that’s often invisible to the eye.
Start with our 3-part Introduction!
Section 1: A unique 26-minute field trip
Sample our course right here, quickly and easily. After that, if you’d like to go through the whole course, or just in parts — at no charge — simply give us your name and contact info. We’d like touch base with you later and get your feedback.
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Improve any communication, meeting, or collaboration
Our 14 remaining Visual Supercharge episodes
Section 2: Why hybrid literacy
Episode 4 — 14:25
In this episode, David and Bart share how our human capacities, potentials, and motivations form the five roots of the practice.
Many of these capacities are still underused, yet we see them as a foundation for building better ways of dealing with our everyday challenges and conditions we mentioned briefly in our introduction.
Episode 5 — 25:75
In this episode we introduce six “archetype” situations, in which the practice of Digital Visual Literacy is most helpful. The rewards of hybrid literacy are discussed as metaphorical fruits in the crown of our tree model, which we chose as a wonderful organic metaphor for this human-centered practice.
In the crown of our tree model is where “clarity and connection” can be found, which ties all the benefits from the situations. We believe that drive toward clarity and connection is a principle driver in the overall practice of this form of literacy.
Section 3: Fundamentals Of Hybrid Literacy
Episode 6 — 11:15
Continuing our discussion on more effectively visualizing and model our reality, this episode explores a set of fundamental digital white board tools common to many platforms, some of which may already be familiar.
Episode 7 — 13:35
In this episode we demonstrate the skills used in creating the visual model from our previous episode using some common and familiar digital tools:
- drawing or sketching (pen tool)
- adding color (fill tool)
- moving, resizing and re-arranging objects (the pointer/hand tool)
- adding objects created beforehand (insertion tool)
- recording work flow as a video, like simultaneous collaboration (Explain Everything’s recording tool)
Section 4: Situation 1 — One-Way Sharing
Episode 8 — 13:85
Presentations are common workplace interactions, yet often they can lose peoples’ attention as fast as they capture it. Like any great form of expression, storytelling takes thoughtful construction and practice.
In this lesson we dive into the construction of an effective presentation using basic DVL tools and principles. Our aim: Make anyone’s message more impactful and memorable while increasing its interactive potential to deepen engagement and mutually-shared meaning!
Episode 9 — 21:85
Whatever our individual or group challenge may be, for meaningful insight and change to occur, we have to see, feel, hear or grasp something different way than we have before. In the world of change management, it’s called a perceptual shift — which nearly always precedes a shift in beliefs, then behaviors & actions, then in results.
When people make those shifts together as a shared experience, they’re more impactful and memorable. Ideation — or brainstorming — is another good starting point.
Section 5: Situation 2 — Ideation
Episode 10 — 22:00
How can we engage in effective ideation (brainstorming) remotely?
This episode demonstrates how the practice of DVL easily and naturally facilitates “the dance” of ideation — shifting of perceptions and sourcing new and useful ideas within a group.
But there’s more to ideation than meets the eye. What the audience doesn’t see here is David and Bart’s behind-the-scenes process — our tossing around and refinement of ideas as a step before presentation, analysis and decision-making — which almost every team must engage in at some point.
Section 6: Situation 3 — Problem-Solving
Episode 11 — 11:85
The next four segments move us into problem solving mode as we build on the foundational DVL principles and skills laid out since the Intro.
If our demonstrations of DVL motivate you to expand your problem solving, communication, and collaboration toolbox even a little, you’ll see that doing a little more each day with these suggestions and possibilities will develop your fluency quickly.
Episode 12 — 8:25
As a discipline applying to almost every dimension of the human experience, problem solving follows patterns as numerous as the people who solve them, as variations in vantage point, tradition, and tools make a huge difference.
Demonstrating the tools of DVL, this episode reviews four fundamental processes of problem solving that apply to both individuals and groups in a broad spectrum of situations — not as deep dive that provides cutting-edge problem solving innovation or insight.
Episode 13 — 21:25
It’s useful for virtually all problem solvers, especially when working in collaborative teams, to acknowledge the invisible human forces that may need navigating either as enablers or obstacles.
In this episode, we identify some of the most common human pitfalls, conditions and obstacles that impede effective problem solving and suggest ways those can be avoided.
Episode 14 — 20:10
The most obvious and significant advantage of larger group problem solving is gaining the buy-in / leverage needed for large-scale implementation. But working with larger groups also increases logistical complexity.
For anyone engaging in large group problem solving, this segment explores some underlying psychological variables that will help ensure such group processes are more effective — not just tolerable or minimally acceptable.
Section 7: Situation 4 — Vision Sharing
Episode 15 — 15.50
What’s common to all our DVL learning episodes is our desire to be more effective influencers. which means using and triggering images within and for others. Whether our influencing is a one-way or interactive process, whether we call it selling, persuading, influencing or sharing, it’s going to be more effective when we employ clear and compelling visuals, or vivid word pictures.
Using the four steps to DVL proficiency as a model, this episode demonstrates a variety of ways to prepare for almost any situation in which you may want to influence people.
Section 8: Situation 6 — Independent Collective Idea Contribution
Episode 16 — 29.00
What are the “Rules of the Engagement” when talking about a fluid, visible, yet unlimited opportunity for contribution across space, time and different modalities? Establishing the right balance of structure and freedom for people is essential to creating the sense of security and trust that allows people to participate and create with safety and comfort.
In this episode covering IC2 — Independent Collective Idea Contribution, the last of our major “situations” — we explore five foundational principles for implementing DVL in a distributed flextime way, whatever your cultural paradigms may be.
Part 9: Epilogue
Episode 17 — 10.00
In this short and final episode, we offer a summary of DVL take-aways and perspectives. We begin with our basic nature as humans, oriented to a virtual superpower, our amazing and dominant sense of sight, with which each of us builds a unique, rational and emotional reality.
The practice of DVL emerges from the question: How might we use simple digital technologies to leverage this power of sight to help us accomplish, communicate and collaborate more effectively, especially given that so much of our 21st century “reality” isn’t directly visible to our own eyes.
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DVL: The application of visual thinking to challenges/problems we can’t fully or directly see — especially in remote work situations.
Please contact us
Send us a question, comment or request a free consultation. We’ll get back to you within a day.
- David Winkelman
- San Diego, CA 92126
- (858) 775-4530