Vision Sharing

The mindset of leading with images while storytelling and the use of a whiteboard to present and communicate instead of slides.

The episode no 7 is all about how to create buy-in and alignement when presenting and sharing a vision. All that with being open to respond to feedback, accordingly, and above all – authentically.

Can you show me…

Give yourself permission to engage with participants – and present entire stories or specific details thanks to what whiteboards allow.

Key Ideas

covered in this episode

The mindset

Lead with visuals and use images when storytelling so fluently as you use a language

Stay responsive

Getting on the same page means being responsive and ready to take the other’s person perspective.

Levels of details

Misinterpretation is a huge risk. People differ widely in their need for different levels of detail. Learn how to flexibly adjust your perspective.

See their minds

When presenting – it’s critical to grasping what will the listener, audience or participant see in their mind?

Sign up

and develop your skills to collaborate visually

Skills all set? Now it’s time to deploy them when using one of these collaborative whiteboards for vision sharing:

See how to tell your story using visuals or livecast your whiteboard with Explain Everything

Learn how to use presentation mode in Miro for sharing ideas

Learn how to present any content directly from Mural

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